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August 06, 2013

What I think about when I blog

Serious blogpost #2

It just comes to mind that sometimes, I think deeply about unimportant things like what kind of hairstyle do I want tomorrow, or how much sleep I'll get - this comes from me writing blogposts on my bed most of the time. And that just goes to show that I am little bit of a slacker when it comes to writing, as I have tons of ideas in my head, but never really at the write time as my laptop isn't there so I could post it here. Turns out that most of my ideas just float about until I lose them (and usually, they're great ones!)

Starting a blog, I thought it would be super easy as I like to talk about random but important things that matter (most of the time) and I definitely to like to share it with others. I thought 'yeah blogger seems easy to write things on) but when I have a great idea, and I see the 'newpost' button, it all seems lost in my brain and I end up writing about a completely different topic, but it's okay because I end up writing something anyway. 
I'm usually thinking about posting pictures on my next blogpost, or an actual blogpost, or a review. Then I just sit there (or in some cases lay there) and think 'heck I'm gonna write about not knowing what to write' and viola. 
Some of my posts aren't completely pointless, but I really do wish that on blogger's next update, they do a 'sorted posts' kind of page, so that on your blog (a personal one) you can just easily go to a page where there are only picture diary posts, serious blog posts, review posts etc etc. 

One thing that always happens is I just stare at my blog and think. Looking for some inspiration maybe? Who knows. It's a mission to make a successful blog that everyone knows and reads (by everyone I mean even aliens.) And trying to accomplish tons of goals all at once is kind of the same: a bit of pressure but you'll get there sometime. It's all about not giving up, and to know that patience is key. Knowing things that get you somewhere closer to where you want to be is probably wisdom.

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