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August 06, 2013

Am I a tidy person?

Serious blogpost #1

If you consider the title personal, why not ask yourself in your head right now 'am I a tidy person?'

I think I am... In a way. I do organize why room all the time if it's messy; if there's a cup on my dresser, I would stare at it as if it's crime that it's there. It sounds crazy, but it does happen!
I keep all my things organized, like on my desk, the top part goes the pencils and on the right side goes any papers that I have to do from school or anything like that. But is that OCD though?
I know a lot of people that over-exaggerate the term ocd, something they'd say is 'I like things organized, or else it affects my ocd.' But isn't that just you being yourself, which is an organised person? To me, ocd is something really serious, like if a droplet of water falls on your shoulder, you immediately take a shower.

As an example, I was looking through blogs the other day and I was absentmindedly judging the colours used, design, layout etc etc. Then I thought about my own website, and how others could be doing the same thing. I have made A LOT of changes to my blog templates, colours, designs etc, but my recent one now seems really.. white? I guess it's the style now for websites, but of course I have a lot of inspirations coming from everywhere so it's probably just me. I do read a lot of blogs, and they all do have one thing that's the same and it's the design. Design (in my opinion) is so important. It's where everyone gets the impression of you. And my favourite blogs that I read all commonly have the same colour harmonies on their templates and it's all white/ cream colours with the 'vintage' look to it, and at the same time it's simple, chic, and a tad bit minimalist. OF course it's the content that I'm also after, but it's also the design that wonders me. And not just me but everyone else too.

At the end of the day, we can't really change ourselves? We can't just go 'okay tomorrow I'm going to be neater and have ocd.' We obviously come back to reality, and think that what we were thinking was insane and that we were inspired too much. So if you are a tidy person, don't judge yourself (which is really wrong) but do believe in yourself - and if you are a messy person, then be messy. Remember just not to judge people either way.

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