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August 08, 2013

Getting ahead of yourself

Serious blogpost #3

Have you ever been asked to do something e.g a project? And did it turn out good?
How about when you got asked. Did you say 'okay.' or something like 'sure! I'll make sure we have boats and ducks and by the end of the script I'll sing a song'? 

If you're like me and you like to plan ahead, like going to a trip abroad and packing an extra three pairs of underwear, then that's great. Is it considered normal? Maybe, but then you'd be called efficient or a good scout. And that's okay! Packing extra underwear isn't getting ahead of yourself; it's just thinking or planning ahead, not getting ahead. And getting ahead is very different. 

Getting ahead of yourself means to over-think or over-plan or to over-say about something, and normally it's not good. It has bad connotations, but sometimes it actually works out for some people. I have loads of experiences about me getting ahead of myself. Once, I had to come up with a project for a science investigation and I chose to do something about volcanoes straight away; not because I knew everything about it, but I was just simply interested. I came up with loads of theories, and I even ended up making a model of a volcano out of flour, vinegar and all things you can't possibly imagine using to make a volcano model. I also made lots of mini posters made from paper that I thought I could hand out to people and stuff.. I wanted to do and make more things as well, but I didn't have the time and they were too imaginative and almost not possible to be made by myself alone.  I did these things all at once which tired me out so much that I just wanted to quit. Then when the time came to present, I planned way too much ahead that I didn't even know the first word I would say in front of everyone. So I ended up having to skip my presentation and getting a low mark. I really didn't have a good time after I got that bad mark as I didn't know where I went wrong and why I skipped my presentation.

Then I found out why: it was because I got ahead of myself. I got ahead of myself so much that it tired me out. I don't even think that it's the worse kind of getting ahead of yourself, there might even be much more worse cases.
I'm not saying this is scientifically proven or anything but this might happen to you if you are an imaginative, efficient, independent-thinking person as you have the power of your brain to think ahead about something that you haven't done, but are going to, and therefore you have ingenious, vivid thoughts about the planned things ahead.
In the simplest way that I could describe getting ahead of yourself is simply like planning things, but instead of taking the time to plan, you proceed to do the ideas that come to your head and do them anyway, causing you to be ahead of a certain stage that you should still only be at. It's probably like someone riding bike with no protection gear whatsoever, and the person riding the bike has never had lessons and it's their first time on one. This then causes them to fall and hurt themselves.

As I said before, getting ahead of yourself does have bad connotations, but you can help it by just going with the flow of things, and keeping thoughts that you know are near impossible (although nothing is impossible) in your head; most importantly if you think you have a great idea that you think you should absolutely do or make or whatever it is, write it down first before you actually practically do it.

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