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February 24, 2014

London Fashion Week, Oxford Street & The 55 Bus

As you may or may not know, it was London Fashion Week this February! I was so excited because obviously there's a lot to see, not just talking about new designs and shows, but getting to explore the fashion world in London! Even though I've lived in London for quite a while now I still haven't managed to properly 'explore' the city. I've been with family before but what I mean is I haven't explored the places that I want to see. When you're with family, it's always like 'hey let's visit here, hey let's visit there, hey we're going here' and all, and being the little one back then I couldn't always be left on my own to go to places so I had to go where everybody else was going - not that I didn't like it, I enjoyed every single minute of it. 
So anyways, on February 18 - the last day of fashion week - I was so eager to go to Central and go to where the shows would be held... I haven't been to fashion week before so it was my first time. And of course I did all my research: where the shows are; who would be there; venues; parties; times; models and everything else in the details. So I asked Maicca from Maicca's World to come along and I was so excited when she said yes! Then afterwards her sister Francezca wanted to come so she did. Then we invited along our other friend Ayse and she came along too. So we ended up with four brilliantly mature but exciting teenage girls roaming around Hackney then taking the 55 bus to Oxford Street. Not too shabby. 
So when we got there we were like 'what. woah. wow.' because the stop was literally in Oxford Street - where there are some very exclusive stores form high street to designer. And it was cool! Im really interested in fashion, so I was freaking out and wanted to go to all the stores but couldn't because there would never be enough time to do that in one day, considering we left out houses at around 3pm. So we first went to Topshop where there were models posing on the windows so we were intrigued. We went in, looked around and even got a free magazine and left. Did I mention we were a tad bit in a rush as we didn't really know where the proper fashion week venue was, but obviously there isn't just one show. I was looking forward to seeing Fashion East by Topshop but I found out the was in Regent's Park. And it was a long way away. Not really long just like a 20 minute bus ride or 2 minute ride on the underground but we didn't go... So we decided on just going round and it was such a good idea because it led us to Primark where everything is almost affordable on a budget like ours so we went hauling! I spent so much time contemplating on what to get like I always do, so I opted for a cute pastel pink wrap headband with little flowers and a blush brush, because you can never have enough blush brushes, and it seemed handy because it was small and could pass for a mini travel blush brush or a compact blush brush. Me and Ayse ended up getting the same headband - I like her taste in headbands. Then we left and strolled though the beautiful street and walked past a magazine rack that had London Fashion Week all over it so I had to get one - you know my obsession with fashion magazines. And another store that we went to was MUJI! That store is beautiful. I mean, I was kinda shocked that they didn't know about it so I was so excited to show them around. I mean, the store has amazing quality notebooks for £1 tops. We were like 'is this heaven?!' okay Im exaggerating. But I love that store so much it could even beat Paperchase on the top of my list of amazing stationery stores. After we've explored the whole place, I ended up buying one of the amazing notbooks, obviously. Then Ayse got hungry so we ate our 'dinner' at KFC. So classy. But a girl's gotta eat, right? Then it was so dark and after a few phone calls from my dad, we decided to head home.

It was a pretty cool day and we all decided that it's gonna happen again. Oh yeah. It will. And we're definitely going shopping! Also, I found out that there's another fashion week in September. I was so relieved because even if I didn't get a chance to see some shows, I am definitely going there maybe with my sisters this time when they come home from uni! Also, they're over 18 so that could be useful somehow, I've read some articles. 


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