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November 27, 2013

Cameras and how they make everything better

Hello again!
Just a quick post saying how cameras make everything so much better. And when I say so, I literally mean magic. If I didn't have one, I think my blog would be really boring. So at the moment I don't have one... And it's really boring. Well I do have one, but it's a digital camera. And I think that the kind I have right now isn't so ideal, so sorry for all the viewers who are disappointed because there aren't so many photos!
I do hope that I get a camera somehow, like a real camera. And by real camera I mean an SLR or something. I mean BIG cameras. One where you can take really hd photos on it. One where you can shoot videos long enough to make a proper Youtube video. Just something I need and want. Sigh
To end on a good note, it's also Christmas Time! For the next few days or weeks I shall be redecorating my room! Making it all Christmassy because I love holidays, specially Christmas. So I shall be posting roomspiration posts very soon!
See you around,

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