It is officially September, woooo! This means sooo many things as a lot happens during this month, and of course it's my birthday!
One of the events happening is school starting :( Nobody likes school, at least I don't. But there are really good stuff like seeing your friends, joining sports teams and enjoying learning about your favourite subject again. There are lots of reasons I don't like coming to school - I live 20 minutes away (providing you chose to travel by bus); I wear a BRIGHT RED school uniform which is a little but of an embarrassment when going home as I live in an almost different county to my school, so I would only be the one in a red blazer. It would be so much cooler if we wear our own clothes to school everyday like American high schools, but I'm afraid that that happening is almost near to impossible.
The negatives out the way, after school starts, the next event is my birthday! I'm really excited but at the same time quiet scared and sad as both my older sisters are leaving for uni, so I'll be alone with my parents by the time I celebrate my birthday!